Sunday, March 16, 2008

信心 . 幸福


为了获得幸福 ---

要与 "邪恶" 奋战.
要与 "
劳苦" 奋战.
要与 "
惰性" 奋战.
要与 "
" 奋战.
要与 "
破坏佛法之敌" 奋战.
要与 "
宿命" 奋战.

年轻的各位, 无须和他人比较, 要从表面上看 "今天的自己" 朝向 "明日的自己" 提升境界, 彻底坚强, 明朗的前进 !

池田大作 著

Friday, March 14, 2008

After 50 Years of Independence

I have no intention in creating any form of offense, but I had not experience the joy and pride of being a Malaysian, until after the 12th General Election.
This is because I just saw a flash of light shine through the political regime; the tsunami that just swept off the BN ---
hugely corrupt, incompetent and dictatorial regime from a few key states.

Now, democracy in Malaysia is awakening. This is what I've learned in the History of Malaysia at least; a democratic country.

The poll results is a shock to everyone of us, but for me, it's a pleasant shock. I have faith in the Barisan Rakyat, especially DAP. I am certain, Malaysian and Malaysia are going to have a better tomorrow.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

20th Birthday

Thank yous for remembering my birthday. Those who msg-ed me via friendster and phone:
kenneth, ravern, vivian, sherril, tzyy shyuan, cheih ai, erik, hui wen, jia wei, iherng, elyn, fharyl, chi sern, tat wei, juen june, serene, elly and cousins.
Thank you for your wishes.

I guess it's due to the reason I will dash back to my home on Friday afternoon (once the holiday of election day is announced) , housemates gave me a BIG surprise when they stayed up till 12o'clock on Thursday night to celebrate my bday and somehow I don't know where they got the cake at this hour. *cake wasn't hidden in the house's refrigerator

My sister said I look like a small kid who will stick at the mirror/ window of a cake house with mouthful of saliva. *no I don't agree

Cutting the cake.

20 years old. Still studying and have not achieve anything big yet.
One more year for me to be eligible in voting. I wonder what will be the result today. I'm worried.

Till then, I need to listen to News already. More pictures later.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008



风声雨声读书声, 声声入耳;
家事国事天下事, 事事关心.

马来西亚的第十二届大选显然近在咫尺, 身为大马公民的我绝对不应该对国家大事漠不关心. 毕竟这里是我土生土长的国家.

说到土生土长, 唯一让我觉得遗憾的,莫过于马来西亚从没有让我感到有一丝的归属感.
治安问题不曾改善,反而变本加厉. 无不让我的家人为我牵肠挂肚.
原因很简单, 因为我就居住在其中一个治安黑区--- 旺沙马
, 文良港.

既然有关方面无法保护我们这一群弱小的子民, 那我们只好多求自保.

最深刻的, 当然是"月漏论" 啦. 因为在依然可以回顾.

究竟何谓民主 ?

言论的自由被剥夺, 怎能有机会提出批评以对症下药呢 ?

教育政策与政治撤上不必要的关系, 可想而知, 我们的下一代会有什么样的后果 ?

施法不严厉, 通货膨胀, 又如何营造人间天堂 ?


如你已经可以投票, 好好利用你身为马来西亚公民的权利吧.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Can I not go back to Setapak yet.
It's not because I feel miserable due to the roommates and everything, but I JUST only came home, not even more than 20 hours.

This is me pouting, not willing to pack my stuff to get my ass back there.
As if I have any choice. *rolled my eyes

Have to do what needs to be done in the end though. Have mission to accomplish: Make my parents feel proud of me.

I found it. If you get what I meant.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Chemical Engineering

Felt intimidated indeed. Never had such a bad feelings towards myself.

Majoring in Chemical Engineering, but I just realized that I don't even know the most basic principle and concept of moles, mole fraction and mole percentage.

Went through a presentation, few tests and I started to question myself whether I have the potential or eligibility to be an engineer.
Fellow lecturers often mentioned this sentence:

" You guys SHOULD know how to solve this problem, it's just common sense !"

As if my heart is pierced through with millions of arrows, awe-strucked by this. Does it mean that I am lack of common sense as well,besides being a pudding head ?

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Presentation - 29th February 2008.

What am I gonna do ? There's no turning back, no, I can't look back. Heavy steps but I still have to hang on, especially when I see everyone else does so.

Got to find the courage and motivation.

Till I write again.